Saturday 9 April 2016


They were those plastic dolls
Who danced on the music of the world,

When asked to tell their story
They ran away to hide themselves.

They were those plastic dolls
Who chatted their meaningless chatter,

When asked to talk on emotions
They flew to the far off nooks and corners.

They were those plastic dolls
Who painted their face for beauty,

When asked what is real beauty
They could answer of their useless shams.

They were those plastic dolls
Who could not share their tears nor their smiles,

When asked to cry and smile
They could not do either as they were numb inside. 

Friday 15 January 2016

A Learner

The first week at school passed pretty quickly. I somehow didn't realise I am stepping into my first weekend in #Calcutta (I just prefer it over Kolkata). Well so yeah I got an idea on what goes into the book, in editing and then the cover the hard backs or the paperbacks, the sewing and then the rights. All sorted and done. But the nitty gritty (I have somehow liked this word, been using it a lot lately) of the whole thing (read book) lies in the punctuation and the grammar. I always thought maybe it's the full-stop which had a big business to do as it ends everything. But it is the #comma in which lies the whole taste of the book. I mean just imagine a book without comma... What it would be-too much of rambling or may be confusion and chaos no progressive thought at all. What if a character takes a pause but the writer didn't depict, what then! So yeah that tiny little curvaceous thing we have on our keyboards is essential like Bhishan said it forms the backbone. Literally, at one point of time I felt as if we need to move onto the next punctuation. Quite interestingly we moved to the after ones but none other had such an exaggerated role to play. 

The school has this cozy environment where we all sit on the coffee table discuss the weirdest and strangest of topics that anyone can imagine, like we had an NRI cousin of Monaco biscuits as cookies with the coffee today and that the rectangle ones have a citrus taste. Then when you are kind of possessed by the bongs around you, you then start flaunting your punjabi background. When you learn Bengali from them but test the poor souls on their understanding of punjabi. (I mean how very typically North Indian and punjabi.) But when you have a mixed bag of people around you it's then the time for you to just enjoy and just experience the best of everyday. So yeah so far so good! ✌🏻️